No one complains that we have too much integrity.

It's old-fashioned now, but we do what we say we're going to do. Plain and simple. Our word is bond, and that applies to our deadlines, as well.


No one complained about hiring the best.

There are leaders, and then there's everyone else. At Luxe Offroad LLC, we take immense pride in driving the industry standards forward, focusing on efficiency, quality, and safety.

No one complained it was too easy.  

Dealing with a million moving pieces, your tools can be the difference between moving forward and spinning your wheels. At Luxe Offroad LLC, we're continually finding the best new technology to use to improve our client experiences.







May 2019

Carbon Fiber Division Added

We couldn't be more pleased to announce that we have opened a new carbon fiber division. It is called Luxe American Made Carbon Fiber, check it out at



August 2024

Midwest Region HQ Coming soon!

Kansas City, KS

Rocky Mountain Region HQ coming soon! Denver, CO.

East HQ Coming in 2026

Myrtle Beach, SC


November 2022

Land Management Division

We now offer a land management, wild fire mitigation, landscape, grading, excavating and snow removal.  




When you have a serious project that needs to be done, look no further than Luxe Offroad LLC, America's leader in customized vehicles, you want to drive. We innovate. We deliver. 


Luxe Offroad LLC was founded in 2010 by our current management team. In the last nine years a lot has changed – technology, governments, world economies, the materials we use in our daily lives. But, one thing remains unchanged – our dedication to doing the best work in the United States. We keep an old fashioned attitude about work, and that's that it needs to be done when we promised. More and more, that means relying on brilliant engineers and hardworking craftsmen working in tandem.


Honesty, commitment and quality


No one ever complained about having their work executed perectly.

Our standards are high. So high, we're in a league of our own, moving our entire industry forward. Luxe Offroad LLC has become synonymous with the highest quality craftsmanship.